Mind Body Medicine

Reduce stress, boost results—mind over matter is real!

Why is mind body medicine so powerful for helping you function at your highest level?


Your imagination is a powerful way to trigger your body to make endorphins and other healing chemicals. Just ask Hollywood.


Breath is the link between conscious and subconscious. When you know how to control and guide your breathing, you gain tremendous power over your body.


Meditation is a lot easier than you think. We teach you simple techniques that calm your mind and refresh your nervous system.

Come meet us in person and learn more.

Over 90% Success Rates With Our Patients

Just call 561-921-5433 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

How Mind Body Medicine Works

Calms and Regulates Your Nervous System

When your nervous system is calm, your hormonal system, immune system, digestive, and circulatory systems all calm down, too. This means more hormonal balance, less inflammation, better circulation and nutrient absorption.

Increases Mental Focus

When your mind is more focused, you stay on track and get things done more easily. This means you’ll stay on track with your treatment plan, see positive changes much more quickly, and be much more likely to sustain those positive changes.

Releases Emotional Blocks

When you learn effective techniques for reducing anxiety, frustration, and stress, you clear a wide path for your body’s healing system to do its work. This means 2x, 3x, even 10x the positive effects.

Keeps You On A Positive Track

When you are consistently positive and hopeful, you stay on track with the things that boost your level of wellness and vitality. This means you become virtually unstoppable on your journey to the best YOU there is.

Your initial consultation is free

Come meet us in person and learn more.

Or, just call 561-921-5433 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Here’s how it works…

Is this a required part of the treatment?

No, it’s not required if for some reason you’re not comfortable with it.

Is there a particular religion or spiritual path involved here?

We do not promote any particular spiritual or religious path. The mind-body techniques we use are simply to tap into your body’s innate healing wisdom.

How do you teach it?

Usually your clinician will give you instructions and you will practice at home. From time to time you might do a meditation during your acupuncture session. And, we occasionally offer classes as well.

Are there side-effects?

Only if you consider more energy, less anxiety and tension, and improve mental focus to be side-effects.

But I don’t have time to sit and meditate…

for half an hour to get the benefits (of course, you are welcome to dedicate as much time to them as you like).

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